Fat to fit body transformation - weight loss - update 4

Did I just loose almost 5 kilos in less than a week? Find out later in this video. Here's my fourth update on my weight loss journey - fat to fit again My training this past week have been like this: monday I did Pull-ups and Trapbar deadlift - First 4 sets with fat gripz extreme, thickening the grip to almost 70mm in diameter then some Bent over row and Hanging leg raises wednesday I did Kettlebell Shoulder press, Log press, Push ups, Curl and Lying db flyes Thursday - I had an appointment in the evening, so there wasn't much time for training. I did a quick workout of Air squats, ab wheel rollouts and box squats. Thursday was my squat-day, but since my workout was very short, I decided to do a lot of squatting saturday. So i did goblet squats to warm up, then a few back squats, some front squats and then three sets of zercher squats. Finished off with a superset with 32 kilo kettlebell swings and 12 kilo russian twists. When I stood on the scale monday morning, I could see that I had gained some weight throughout the weekend - much more than I expected. I had some visitors during the weekend, so we were eating quite well. The scale said 111.7 kilos - 3.7 kilos more than when I weighed myself in the beginning of the weekend. I don't recall eating or drinking that much :S As I said in my previous update, I would experiment with some more strict dieting. It worked, and I'm now down to 107 kilos this saturday morning. So in just 6 days I have lost 4.7 kilos - I guess that the weight I had gained last weekend could be mostly water. My belly has definitely gotten smaller - now I can barely grab the skin on my lower stomach, previously I could easily grab a big chunk. In my next update I will go in to details on exactly what I've been eating. I will continue eating this way until wednesday morning this coming week - I'll be working out of town for a few days, so I won't be much in control of what food I can get. It will most likely be based on buffets, so of course I'll strive for the most healthy option, and what's closest to my current diet. I can say already now that for a couple of times this past week, I actually couldn't eat all my food, so I had to throw some out or save for my next meal. My average calorie this past week have been around 1150 calories a day.
