Fat to fit body transformation - weight loss - update 1

Here's my first update of my fat to fit journey version 2 - Make sure to check out my first fat to fit video where I talk about my body transformation where I lost more than 50 kilos in just one year. So the past week have went like this: Monday i did a pretty nice workout. I began with some pull-ups and ab wheel roll-outs. Then I did some trapbar deadlifts, it felt great so I decided to go heavy on that - I hit a 1 rep max on 215kg. Now that's exactly the same 1RM that i did 7 months ago - but this time my total work capacity on the deadlift was more than 2.5 times greater than when I did the previous 1RM. And my bodyweight is probably 10 kilo less - so I'm quite happy with that result. I finished of with a short semi high intense workout, consisting of benchpress at 40 kilos, kettlebell swings at 32 kilos and some air squats. I had not planned any specific amount of reps or sets. I ended up doing 15 reps of every exercise for 3 sets total. Wednesday, I did some barbell shoulder presses - not really that heavy, more focus on getting some good sets and reps. Then a more high intense superset with kettlebell swings, push ups and russian twist. Finished off with some triceps extensions and curls. Thursday training was strength only. I did some chin-ups, ring push ups, front squat and a few other exercises. Friday I did a whole lot of log presses, some strict and some with dip and drive. Since my thursday-workout wasn't that intense, I decided to go hard on a bunch of simple exercises. Again, I hadn't planned any specific reps or sets, just the exercises it self - Kettlebell push press at 24kg, Air squats, Kettlebell swings at 24 kg, straight arm hold at 10 kg and russian twist at 10kg. I ended up doing 4 sets with varying reps, it took 14 minutes or so. Finished with some curls and triceps extensions. Saturday, I did ab wheel roll-outs, deadhang and a kettlebell workout with an 18kg kettlebell, consisting of 3 rounds of goblet squats, snatches and swings. In my first video I mentioned that I had trouble fitting most of my shirts after this past summer. I do see a big change in my body composition, so I decided to try one of my old shirts - it fit almost perfectly again, so I wore that for a full day at work. My average calorie intake this past week have been around 1100 calories. My calorie intake might seem really low, at least myfitnesspal, the app that I use for logging food and weight, warns me that I'm not eating enough. I've been eating pumpkin, cabbage, pork, eggs, rabbit and game meat and yoghurt this past week. I haven't felt hungry and my energy levels have been really stable. I haven't had any sugar for a few weeks - usually when I stop eating sugar, my body goes really low on energy for a few weeks before being properly adjusted to use fat as energy. Since last week, I've lost almost 2 kilos and I'm down to 107,7 kilos
