Fat to fit body transformation - weight loss - update 5

What diet did you just say?? I'll go into details on my most recent dieting later in this video. Monday I started with some pull-ups and sit-ups, then fatbar deadlifts and regular deadlifts. Finished with a 4 set superset of light bench presses and heavy 64 kilo kettlebell swings Tuesday I picked up an old tractor tire and a sledgehammer - so to test it I did a bunch of tire slams. As I said in my previous update, I was going to work out of town for a couple of days, so my Wednesday training was in a commercial gym close to my hotel - I did: Barbell shoulder press, pull-ups, trapbar deadlifts, front squats, back squats and shoulder shrugs. I haven't been to a commercial gym for 3-4 years or so. I really enjoy training at home - sure the overall price for my equipment would buy me a gym membership for many years - but I have so much more flexibility, I can train when I want, I don't spend any time commuting to the gym, I can do some stuff in the house while training, I know what equipment I have available and what condition it's in and that it's "clean" since no one else have used it - there are so many other reasons. Saturday I did a tire flip and tire slam combo, then some heavy log presses, lots of box squats, curl and triceps extensions. During the week up to my previous update, I had lost 4.7 kilos - and since the last weigh-in for that update until Wednesday morning - that's 4 days - I lost another kilo. So in just one and a half week I've lost almost 6 kilos. In general I would say that my diet the past few months have been quite healthy, and combined with the amount of training i do, it does make me burn fat and gain muscle. As I believe that the majority of weight loss happens through food, I looked even closer at my eating. Now again, the way I was eating was helping me burn fat and gain muscle mass - but kept my weight stable. So I've been looking for inspiration through various diets, mostly those promising a great weight loss in a short time. I'm not a fan off diets where you'd have to starve yourself, or that doesn't supply one with enough nutrition. I found the egg-diet to be interesting. The egg-diet exists in many forms, and some of them shouldn't really be called an egg diet - the one I picked was one of those. When I first heard the name "egg-diet", I thought "so this will be eating nothing but eggs for a while" - I wouldn't do that - so I didn't look further into it, until I stumbled upon it again later. As said, the egg-diet exists in many forms, I'm not gonna go into details of them all - and yes one of them is eating nothing but eggs for several days. The one I picked, or rather took inspiration from is called the "14-day egg diet" also often referred to as "the boiled egg diet". So what I did was Eating 3 meals each day, with no snacks in between, consisting of: 2-3 eggs for each breakfast meal - and sometimes in other meals - boiled, scrambled or as an omelet Lean meat, in my case rabbit or chicken meat, in those meals not containing or having just a few eggs With vegetables I would eat as much as I could of: * asparagus * cauliflower * broccoli * fennel * spring onions * bell peppers * and spinach I ate a lot of spinach, it's very high in nutrients. if it works for Popeye, it probably works for me as wellSpinach contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. It has much more fiber than many other leafy greens - Fibers improve digestion and helps loosing weight. I cooked the food without adding any oil, fat or salt. With every breakfast I had a glass of juice made from grapefruit and ginger - for the first few days the juice also contained cucumber and oranges. I had read that eating half a grapefruit with one or all meals was allowed on some versions of the egg diet - I just had it as juice instead. Before I did this "diet", I was already eating a lot of eggs - a lot! - I was eating boiled eggs for snacks and had scrambled eggs or omelets most days. Looking through my foodlog, it wasn't uncommon that I would eat 8-10 eggs a day - that's actually up to 700 calories and a lot of protein just from eggs. I still managed to mostly stay below 1600 calories a day, which is the goal I've set in Myfitnesspal, that should be the amount required for loosing 1 kilo each week. So with this "diet" I actually started eating less eggs. I don't think that any of the ingredients in this diet, alone or combined, and not even the additional grapefruit would do anything magic. I think this diet worked for me because: the 3 meals each day - no snacks allowed at all - this has probably stabilized my energy and insulin levels No fruits allowed - correct, I had no fruits during this diet (except for the grapefruit in the juice) - fruit contains sugar which affects insulin levels. I used to eat some fruit every day - usually apples and bananas Very low fat, very low carbohydrates in each ingredient - and high amounts of protein in eggs and the lean meat.
